Deadline for Ukrainian humanitarian visas
Ukrainians who have arrived in Australia and hold a temporary visa are able to apply for a sc 786 Temporary Humanitarian Concern (THC)...
Change to vaccination requirements for travellers
There have been some important changes for travellers to and from Australia. From July 6 2022: · People entering Australia do...
Visa application fee increase
From 1 July 2022 the application fee for all visas will increase by 3%. Increases will be rounded to the closest $5. The new fees will...
Closure of Department’s Lee Street office
From 15 June 2022 the Department of Home Affairs’ Lee Street office will be closing for all client services. It will reopen at 101...
Superannuation Guarantee Changes
From 1 July 2022 the compulsory superannuation guarantee will increase from 10% to 10.5%. Approved Standard Business Sponsors must be...

The Immigration Kit – 10th Edition released
The new edition of The Immigration Kit is the most up-to-date, plain language guide to Australia’s immigration, refugee and citizenship...
Pathway To Permanent Residence For TSS Visa Holders
In March 2022 legislative amendments were introduced to provide a pathway to permanent residence through the sc186 Temporary Residence...
Australian Visas for Ukrainian Citizens
The Department of Home Affairs has published the following information for Ukrainian citizens seeking to travel to Australia: "The...
Pathway to PR for short term 482 TSS visa holders
The Government has announced an enhanced visa pathway to permanent residence for sc482 Temporary Skill Shortage (TSS) visa holders and...
Working holiday makers allowed to work for longer
Working holiday makers have condition 8547 imposed on their visa. This limits them to a maximum of six months work with any one employer....